Maximize Your Potential with Life Coaching

We avoid confronting certain challenges because we are afraid – afraid of taking risks, of leaving our comfort zone, of not succeeding. Often we fail to realize that this avoidance process blocks our further development. We may unconsciously find reasons we can use to prove to ourselves that our plans could not possibly succeed. This happens even when we have abilities that still untapped. We have much more potential than we imagine!

Inspired by the motto, “What would you try if you knew that you couldn’t fail?” (Robert Schuller), Fluidum Communications® individual coaching facilitates the flowing, smooth communication of the entire human potential.

Recognizing and using energetic structures and interactions

Consciously experiencing energetic structures | Liberation from foreign conditioning

Every human being has a set energetic structure that is unchangeable. This individual energetic structure is a kind of personal DNA code and gives us a method of understanding ourselves and others more deeply. Depending on what person (or people) we are with, where we are, and the quality of a particular time, we can experience ourselves differently.

Our knowledge of our energetic personality makes it easier for us to recognize areas in which we are conditioned, as well as the areas where we have a conditioning effect or are conditioned by others. On a daily basis, we unconsciously experience how certain levels flow smoothly with particular people, while, with exactly the same people, other areas don’t work at all.

You can use this knowledge to help you understand yourself and other people better. This in turn will support you in cooperating and forming optimally effective and successful relationships. Even when these energetic interactions take place on an unconscious level, we can still perceive and experience them.

Selecting the right people to have around us on a daily basis or the right people to work with is a decisive factor in our development and happiness and contributes to successful outcomes for all involved. Of course there are people in our lives whom we can’t choose, such as children and other family members.

Understanding energetic structures helps us to optimize these relationships. Pay attention to your surroundings, the place where you live, and the people who are around you. These are key factors in your life.

Life coaching and business coaching

Approach to individual, professional or entrepreneurial coaching

1. Needs analysis and development of strategies: We analyze your current life situation, your wishes, and your needs, along with any fears that may be keeping you from reaching your potential and fulfilling your dreams.

2. Development of customized approaches and specific practical steps: Taking your personal and business situation as a starting point, we develop individualized steps – for the short, medium, and long term – that provide ongoing support for your personal development.

3. Development-oriented potential analysis and process monitoring: During the coaching process we analyze individual steps and how successful they are. Throughout the process, we remain conscious that “what lies behind us and what lies ahead of us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us” (Oliver Wendell Holmes).

Life coaching and business coaching are not only for business executives; rather, they are appropriate for anyone who is open to further development and who finds long-term happiness, authenticity, emotional and physical health, and satisfying relationships important.

There’s a fire inside each of us. Let your own fire burn brightly!