What does the Fluidum® concept include ?

The Fluidum® concept focuses on the unity of body, mind, and spirit. This inseparable unity is present in every person and is reflected in individuals’ lives as well as in teams and companies.

Along with classic counseling methods and psychological approaches, the Fluidum concept also integrates spiritual aspects. This combination enables you to recognize, bring out, and strengthen your personal and business Fluidum, so that it reaches its full potential and effectiveness.

Strategy for your uniqueness | Success through authenticity

Recognize and use your uniqueness in personal und professional life. What makes your personality the way it is? What makes it unique? What makes your company different from other companies? A deeper understanding of yourself is necessary for you to be able steer your own life or your company in the right direction. Long-term success and inner happiness can develop only when you know yourself and your company, since this deep knowledge creates the optimal conditions for making correct decisions. Especially in situations involving crises and sweeping changes, we need to focus on our individual and company potential, for only then we are able to use our energy and resources optimally. Feel the power of your uniqueness.

Specialism of Fluidum Communications®

Fluidum Communications® specializes in situations involving individual crises and change within companies. Customized concepts for you as an individual and for companies and their employees empower you to experience change and crises from now on as opportunities for development.

Fluidum | Fluidum Communications® stands for

Fluidum Communications® stands for flowing and dynamic interactions, constant interchange, and communication, whether verbal or nonverbal, inside oneself or in interactions with other people. When we feel in tune with ourselves, then we experience a lively and successful developmental process, which leads to growth in both personal and business areas.

A key factor: the quality of time

By taking into account the crucial factor of time, the Fluidum® concept allows us to make energetic processes and interactions visible and tangible. In your life, as well as in nature, there are phases of reaping and sowing, of planting and harvesting. However, these phases often overlap in the various areas of one’s life, and so it can sometimes seem difficult to coordinate these processes in an ideal way and attain optimal results.
Fluidum® coaching shows you how to make short-, medium-, and long-term processes and connections visible. Thus it becomes possible to recognize optimal points in time, and you can learn how to use these points consciously in future activities.